Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is ProBoard?
  • What are the features of ProBoard?
  • What languages are supported by ProBoard?
  • What is the status of the 32bit ProBoard?
  • How much are the Registration Fees for ProBoard?
  • What is the best OS/multitasker to use?
  • What are ProBoard Executables (PEXes)?
  • Where can I download PEXes?
  • What Tools are used to Develop ProBoard?
  • What are Minimum Specs for running ProBoard?
  • Does the Author really exist?
  • Where Can I Read current News about ProBoard?
  • Where Can I find older versions of ProBoard?
  • Where Can I Register ProBoard?

  • Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What is ProBoard?

    ProBoard is a computer program that allows you to run a BBS (computerized Bulletin Board System), where files, messages and other useful items may be exchanged between users under control of the System Operator (SysOp). Its small size and lightning fast speed make it ideal for running under a multi-tasker like DESQview, or on a network. ProBoard is compatible with most Third-party software for RemoteAccess BBS. ProBoard fully supports the ability to interface with mail networks such as FidoNet, UseNet, EchoNet, and mail processors such as SQUISH, FastEcho, GEcho, Fmail, and others. The greatest asset of ProBoard, is it's ability to be modded through the use of programs written in C / C++ using the provided ProBoard Software Development Kit (SDK). Programs written with the ProBoard SDK are called ProBoard Executable (PEX) files. With this built in "PEXability" there's nothing ProBoard can't do!

    The current, released version is 2.16
    can be downloaded from the The Official ProBoard Site.
    This is NOT the last DOS only version!

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What are the features of ProBoard?

    • ProBoard is THE fastest QuickBBS-style BBS program around!! It's completely written in highly optimized C++ and assembly language.
    • Full multi-line/multi-user support. Up to 255 nodes can share the same user database, message base and file database. Each node can have its own modem configuration, welcome screens, menu structure, etc.
    • Built-in fullscreen message editor.
    • Support for 4 message base types: Squish, Hudson JAM and *.MSG, all at the same time.
    • Support for up to 10,000 message areas and 10,000 file areas.
    • Powerful sorting/moving/copying of file and message areas.
    • Compatible with most, if not all, doors written for other BBS software such as RemoteAccess, QuickBBS, PCBoard, etc.
    • A software development kit is included with ProBoard! You can write your own extensions to ProBoard using C or C++. Programs written with the SDK run "inside" ProBoard, for maximum flexibility and speed. The programmer doesn't have to worry about modem communications, user files, etc. THIS IS TOTALLY UNIQUE!! No other BBS software offers anything that even comes close.
    • Integrated, lightning-fast duplicate file checking on uploads.
    • Hooks for external upload checking programs.
    • Extremely fast indexed file system, while still using the standard FILES.BBS-based file system.
    • Full CD-ROM support. The CD-ROM drive is not accessed until a file is actually downloaded. It is only accessed to copy files to a local drive of your choice freeing up the CD-ROM for other requests.
    • Full alias (handle) support.
    • Flexible protocol configuration. You can install any protocol directly in ProBoard (even bi-directional protocols are supported). Protocols that can be installed in ProBoard include X/Y/Zmodem, MPT, Bimodem, HS/Link, etc.
    • Local up/downloads
    • Supports all types of modems. All known connect rates are directly supported, and you can specify up to 6 user-defined connect rates.
    • Very flexible security system with over 65,000 security levels and 32 security flags as well as "reverse" flags.
    • TTY, ANSI, Avatar (0 and 0+) terminal emulation.
    • Swaps itself to disk or EMS when shelling to an external program (door), leaving only 2 (two) Kb resident!
    • REAL-TIME multi-line chat built in. No stupid line-per-line chat.
    • Direct support for all high speed modems (up to 115,200 bps).
    • Extremely user-friendly configuration/maintenance utilities.
    • Full RIP support, and unlike other BBS packages that leave the SysOp looking at cryptic RIP codes, we even display the menus your non-RIP callers see, on your end so you can see what's happening on your BBS.
    • Built in file tagging system.
    • Users (and the SysOp) can send "personal files" to other users. ProBoard automatically deletes the files after they have been downloaded.
    • Automatic validation of users using a sophisticated "template" system.
    • Powerful User Editor including filter function, allows you to easily find and work with only the users you specify.
    • Ability to specify an external message editor either as door or as a PEX file.
    • Ability to specify an external chat program, either as a door or as a PEX file.
    • Fully "data driven" system usage graphs, even in RIP mode.
    • Ability to limit menu selections by age, baud rate, gender of user, time online, or time of day.
    • Full Language support. Every prompt in the system can be changed (including color) and saved in a language file, as well as multi-language support for menus and textfiles. You can even replace any prompt with ANSI files or PEX files.
    • Internal QWK support, provided as a PEX file for seamless integration into your BBS.
    • User name can optionally be added to FILES.BBS when user uploads files.
    • Powerful "Free Files" functions, great if you're running a support BBS, or a BBS to promote your company.
    • Fully buffered I/O for optimum system performance.
    • Fully definable paging hours for every day of the week.
    • Support for OS/2 2.x time-slicing.
    • "SysOp Next" function, with definable "alert" music, as well as semaphore file support.
    • Ability to call menu editor while user is online (or in local mode) and edit the current menu. Great for testing, or in case you see something that just HAS to be fixed while a user is online.
    • Built in file counters, shows which of your files are the most popular.
    • Built in "flag description" editor, helps you remember just what all of those flags you have are for.
    • Lots and lots more...

    What languages are supported by ProBoard?
    Included with ProBoard

    Language File Name Inside
    dutch dutch.pbl pb_216
    english english.pbl pb_216
    german german.pbl pb_216

    Other ProBoard Languages

    Language File Name Dnld
    Canadian English   site
    Elite   site
    French   site
    Kuntry Hick   site
    Middle Earth   site
    Romanian   site
    Spanish   site
    Swedish   site
    Turkish   site

    Roll Your Own Language File

  • ProBoard comes with a Language Editor which allows you to change the text and the color for every prompt in the system to create a custom "look and feel" for your BBS.
  • ProBoard also allows you to display your system prompts to users in several different languages.
  • Language files end with the file extension ".pbl" and are stored in your ProBoard system directory (usually c:\pb).
  • You can create and install up to 30 different language files at any one time.
  • To create a different language file, first you must select one to work with as a model. You then copy the model to a language file with a new name.
  • If you follow the instructions in the ProBoard pb216.doc, page 82, then you will be able to customize your model language file with new text and color for every prompt in your system.

  • Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What is the status of the 32bit ProBoard?

    Read about the lastest news concerning the development of ProBoard for Windows 95/98!

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page How much are the Registration Fees for ProBoard?

    The difference between the commercial and non-commercial (personal) registration, as defined by ProBoard, is that non-commercial (personal) registrations are ONLY for individuals who run a BBS as a HOBBY and that all other BBSes require a commercial registration.

    Commercial registration prices are EXCLUDING local taxes (VAT / TVA / BTW).

    ProBoard v2.16 Registration Schedule Fees
    Country Personal Personal
    w / manual
    w / manual
      USA & Canada 60.00 US$ 80 US$ 70 US$ 299 US$
      Belgium 2000 BEF 2500 BEF 2200 BEF 10000 BEF
      Netherlands 100 FL 140 FL 120 FL 599 FL
      Germany & other 110 DM 140 DM 120 DM 649 DM

    ProBoard v3.0 Registration Schedule Fees
    Product Non-Commercial Commercial
      ProBoard v3.0 for a single operating system of choice $90.00 $399.00
      Extra operating system license $40.00 $199.00
      Upgrade from ProBoard v2.xx to v3.0 (single OS) $35.00 $199.00
      Upgrade from ProBoard v3.0 WinNT/95/98 to OS/2 $??.?? $??.??

    Product Non-Commercial Commercial
      ProBoard v3.0 for a single operating system of choice 3.000 BEF 13.500 BEF
      Extra operating system license 1.500 BEF 7.500 BEF
      Upgrade from ProBoard v2.xx to v3.0 (single OS) 1.000 BEF 5.000 BEF
      Upgrade from ProBoard v3.0 WinNT/95/98 to OS/2 ???? BEF ???? BEF

    Product Non-Commercial Commercial
      ProBoard v3.0 for a single operating system of choice 170 DM 750 DM
      Extra operating system license   70 DM 300 DM
      Upgrade from ProBoard v2.xx to v3.0 (single OS)   60 DM 300 DM
      Upgrade from ProBoard v3.0 WinNT/95/98 to OS/2  ?? DM ??? DM

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What is the best OS/multitasker to use?

    This has been an ongoing debate, probably since multitaskers were first available for the PC.

    Four of the most popular multitaskers are:

    Windows 3.1x
    Windows 95

    Data has been collected on three out of the four mentioned multitaskers. It will be up to you to determine which one is good for you by your own testing and preferences!


    Very good if you only want to run DOS applications, but some DOS applications don't run well under DV. Probably the fastest platform.

    Windows 3.1x

    No field information has been collected.

    Windows 95/98

    There isn't much you can say about Windows 95/98, it runs most programs, takes a bit of tuning to get best Comms performance and we're still dubious about it's multitasking ability for more than one remote node, ProBoard seemed reluctant to answer the phone when not the active window.


    Has very good crash protection, even if OS/2 itself crashes (very rare) then you can configure so that the computer is automatically rebooted and the BBS restarted. Probably the most configurable for setting up a DOS session, and with the SIO serial drivers a very reliable comms engine. There are several BBS utilities with 32bit OS/2 specific versions eg. Mailers and Tossers.

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What are ProBoard Executables (PEXes)?

    PEXes are ProBoard Executables for door programs created in C / C++ using the SDK which is supplied with ProBoard.

    PEXes run as part of ProBoard which means they load faster than standard BBS doors and also have direct access to ProBoard functions.

    The advantages of using PEXes over using EXE doors are:

  • PEXes are specially designed for ProBoard and because they run as an integral part of ProBoard, have greater access to the ProBoard functions and files.
  • PEXes are usually less than 50k in size and more often less than 10k.
  • PEXes can run when any language prompt is displayed.

    Write Your Own PEXes

  • Writing PEXes is simple if you are already a capable C / C++ programmer, and easy to learn if you are not.
  • You need a compatible C / C++ Compiler: Borland, Zortech, Microsoft and several others which can use the standard .LIB format library files.
  • Follow the instructions in pb216sdk.doc, and structures in pb_sdk.h and pb_struct.216.
  • For detailed information about programming, refer to Programming in this FAQ!

  • Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Where can I download PEXes?

    For a current listing of over forty (40) PEX worldwide download sites, please visit ProBoard Innovations.

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page What Tools are used to Develop ProBoard?

    ProBoard v2.16 is entirely written in C++ and Assembler.

    No third-party libraries are used (except for the Squish MSGAPI), insuring that the author has TOTAL control over the code!

    For the development of ProBoard, the following tools are used:

    Compiler Borland C++ v3.1
    Linker TLink, part of Borland C++ v3.1
    Assembler Turbo Assembler v3.1
    Debugger Turbo Debugger v3.1
    Editor Multi-Edit Professional v7.00

    What are Minimum Specs for running ProBoard?

    These specifications are based on field operating conditions as reported by Bullentin Board SysOps. As technology advances, minimum specifications for ProBoard will also change.


    DesqView will run quite happily on a 386sx with only 4 megs of RAM with one remote and one local node. The speed leaves a little to be desired but is not sluggish. The most realistic specification for one remote and one local node is :

  • 386dx-40 and 8mb RAM.

  • Windows 3.1x

    To be determined.

    Windows 95/98

    Win95, like OS/2 needs quite a large amount of RAM to run smoothly.

    The lowest specification that worked satisfactory for running a ProBoard 2 node BBS is :

  • 486dx-66 and 8mb RAM but like OS/2, the more RAM you have, the better the performance.

  • OS/2

    OS/2 needs quite a large amount of RAM to run smoothly. Running OS / 2 and a ProBoard BBS (1 remote node and 1 local node) on a 486sx-25 with 4 meg will result in a very slow operation.

    The lowest specification that worked satisfactory for running a ProBoard 2 node BBS is :

  • 486dx-66 and 8mb RAM but like Win95/98, the more RAM you have, the better the performance.
  • OS/2 and Win95/98 don't just require more RAM for DOS Based BBS packages, they also require more RAM to make the OS run smoothly.

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Does the Author really exist?

    Philippe Leybaert, the author of ProBoard, prefers a behind-the-scenes approach to support, concentrating most of his energies on development, and has the assistance of various worldwide ProBoard SysOps and ProBoard Programmers to answer queries.

    Where Can I Read current News about ProBoard?

    The Official ProBoard Site by Philippe Leybaert is your first stop for "the official word" about ProBoard!

    Your second stop, for an excellent source for those "hard to find" news items when it comes to ProBoard news, is The Church bbs by Gilles Hemberg. Gilles has the unique position of being able to directly communicate with Philippe on a regular basis.
    Be sure to check out Gilles' site!

    Other active ProBoard Support sites that maintain a large news area:

  • ProBoard Innovations by Frank Robbins
  • BBS Archives News by Mike Ehlert
  • The Doorway BBS by Matt Jenkins

  • Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Where Can I find older versions of ProBoard?

    The old versions of ProBoard have been collected and placed online by "The Professionals" at Montclair State Univ (Dennis Murphy), PC Micro (Mike Ehlert) and ProBoard Innovations (Frank Robbins).

    A download page has been provided at ProBoard Innovations by going to the Main Menu - Files - Old Versions of PB! Other ProBoard sites are welcome to link directly to this page.

    Click on this anytime, anywhere to Return to Top of Page Where Can I Register ProBoard?

    All Reg Sites are closed until new owner ReOpens them!